Thursday, September 17, 2015

State Parks and Faults

I was questioning how state parks might be effected by the potential danger of faults that run throughout the state of California. This map shows the proximity of faults to northern California state parks. Faults could be dangerous because if there is movement within the fault it could cause harm to people that are visiting those state parks.

This map could be potentially useful to visitors of state parks because if there is a lot of earthquake activity then they may not want to visit a state park that is close to a fault. This map could also be useful to state planners who are planning to create state parks because they may not want to establish a park close to fault lines due to the potential danger of a major earthquake.

I chose to leave out information such as California counties, Geology of California, and California vegetation because they were not relevant to the question that I was asking and the message that I wanted to convey with my map. The fault lines are in the color red because this color really draws the attention of the viewer to the faults and the yellow for the state parks pops out as well to catch the attention of the map users.

1 comment:

  1. Good use of extent map, aesthetically strong; Elaborate on your GIS processes next time
